Hi there! I’m Priscilla, and I’m so glad you’ve stopped by. I’m a mom of four young kids, a former attorney, a Texas Longhorn and an Enneagram 2.

I first picked up a camera when my oldest child was about four months old. It was a purchase of my Dad’s that he never used, so I took it home and made it my own. Over the years, taking photos has become a passion for me. As a mom it’s taught me to see beauty in things that I would have otherwise overlooked and humor in situations that would have otherwise made me crazy. I love to capture the fleeting moments – the love, the joy, the connection – and if you follow me on social media, you’ve seen, the chaos too. It’s all a part of this one precious life on earth that God has given us.

As your photographer, I want to take time with you to capture the beauty of whatever stage of life you’re in – not just that one perfect portrait, although I always try to get that too. I want to capture the sweetness, the togetherness, the imperfect perfectness that makes you you. And I hope you’ll walk away with treasures to hold onto for a lifetime.

My Babies on Film